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Salmon Camp 2015 Applications Now Open

Mar 25, 2015

Yakama elder Wilbur Slockish shares stories with Salmon Campers.

Yakama elder Wilbur Slockish shares stories with Salmon Campers at last year’s camp.

Joshua Hall and Zack Lamebull from Yakama Fisheries lead a macroinvertebrate activity to determine water quality.

Joshua Hall and Zack Lamebull from Yakama Fisheries lead a macroinvertebrate activity to determine water quality at the 2014 Salmon Camp.

Tribal Salmon Camp 2015

CRITFC, in collaboration with the Nez Perce Tribe, is hosting Salmon Camp July 13 – 17, 2015. A limited number of incoming 6th-8th grade students from each of CRITFC’s four member tribes will be selected to attend this FREE week-long camp.  Meals, lodging, and a stipend will be provided upon successful program completion.

At Salmon Camp, participants will learn about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills by taking part in culturally relevant, hands-on activities that combine Western science with traditional ecological knowledge. With the assistance of tribal fisheries experts and leaders, the participants will conduct salmon-related field tasks and apply the results to real concerns faced by their communities. The campers also will have opportunities to hear from visiting presenters about their professions and explore various educational and career pathways.

Participants will:

  • Learn about the science and lifecycle of salmon
  • Work on salmon restoration projects
  • Explore Traditional Ecological Knowledge
  • Meet tribal professionals working in the field
  • Gain unique and valuable hands-on experience

Applications must be received by Sunday, May 31, 2015.
(Click here to download an application.)

For more information, contact:

Tana Atchley
Tribal Workforce Development & Outreach Coordinator
(503) 238-0667