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The Changing Climate

The Changing Climate

For thousands of years, tribal cultures have been based on the First Foods that each came at their appointed time. Our calendars and travels were based on when these sacred foods—the salmon, the game, the roots, and the berries—were ready for harvest. Now, tragically,...
2015 Water Supply Forecast

2015 Water Supply Forecast

Despite off-and-on rain and snow since October, Columbia River basin weather patterns are coming back to normal, although it is still a little on the warm, dry side. In general, mountain snow stations show the water contained in Oregon and Washington snowpacks is...
2014 Year In Review

2014 Year In Review

This year has been very busy for CRITFC and the tribes in regards to salmon, lamprey, river health, and treaty fishing. The record numbers of salmon returned to the Columbia River system was another indicator that the efforts to reverse the salmon decline are paying...

The Long Road to Salmon Recovery

This year’s total counts of chinook, sockeye, steelhead and coho at Bonneville Dam set a new record since the dam was built in 1938. New record returns also occurred in the Snake River Basin since Lower Granite Dam was built (fall chinook, coho and sockeye) with...