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Food Sovereignty

At a recent CRITFC-hosted workshop, the Food Safety Modernization Act was presented. This legislation could possibly impact tribal sales of fish sold directly to the public. Attorneys and staff are investigating whether this new federal law dictates regulations that...

Salmon Runs in Perspective

Last year, biologists predicted major returns of some salmon stocks, a forecast partly based on the very high returns of jacks the previous year. When the run forecasts were presented to the commissioners, there was a general sense of “we’ll believe it when we see...

Preparing for Winter

The end of the fall 2012 tribal salmon fishery marks the end of another productive and successful year for Columbia River salmon and the Indian fishers who depend on them. The numbers of returning salmon this year is a tribute to the four tribes’ hard work. Their...

Protecting the Columbia River

The Columbia River treaty tribes support energy and economic development in the Columbia Basin Salmon. We do not support, however, energy and economic development in the Columbia River Basin that comes on the backs of salmon or at the expense of tribal fishers and the...