Restoration Projects
Restoring salmon in the Columbia River Basin
CRITFC and its member tribes, the Nez Perce, Umatilla, Warm Springs, and Yakama, are actively involved in salmon restoration efforts throughout the Columbia River Basin. These projects are funded by various agencies, such as the Bonneville Power Administration and the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund.
All of the tribes’ projects are directed by the principals of Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit to provide fisheries benefits now and in the future.
The tribal projects represent only a small percentage of the total tribal salmon recovery efforts in the Columbia River Basin. Although these restoration efforts are beneficial, by themselves they are not enough. It will take everyone who lives in the Basin to restore the salmon. We all have a stake in the survival of salmon and the natural environment that supports them, because, in fact, that environment sustains us all.
Recent Restoration Projects Highlights
CRITFC Accord Administration
Implement and manage Accord projects and assist with regional/tribal coordination of projects and project reporting agreed to in Accords. Disseminate the positive news of cooperation, collaboration, and on-the-ground project success to promote long-term support of the Accords and potential future partnerships, fulfill…
Learn More about CRITFC Accord Administration »
StreamNet Library
To collect, organize, and disseminate scientific research, traditional knowledge and other relevant information about the Columbia River basin fisheries and ecosystems.
Learn More about StreamNet Library »
Experimental Sturgeon Genetics
To gain greater understanding of white sturgeon genetics in preparation for proposed supplementation activities.
Learn More about Experimental Sturgeon Genetics »