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Jan 8, 2025 Sturgeon Fishery Announcement

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 | The four Columbia River treaty fishing tribes set the following fishery plan:

Commercial Sturgeon Setline Fishery

Area Closures: Bonneville and The Dalles Reservoirs

  • Bonneville Reservoir: The ongoing sturgeon setline fishery in the Bonneville Pool will close at 6 PM Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Catches to date indicate the Annual Commercial Catch Guideline will be met by the closure date.
  • The Dalles Reservoir: The ongoing sturgeon setline fishery in The Dalles Pool will close at 6 PM Saturday, January 11, 2025. Catch to date and the closure of the Bonneville Pool setline fishery indicate it is likely the Annual Commercial Sturgeon Catch Guideline will be met by the closure date.
  • John Day Reservoir: The ongoing sturgeon setline fishery in the John Day Pool will continue under current regulations. The tribes will continue to monitor catches and will announce any further winter season modifications.

Platform/Hood-and-line Fishery

Platform/Hook and Line Fishery: The ongoing Zone 6 Platform/hook & line fishery will remain open for subsistence in all three Zone 6 Pools and will only be open for commercial sturgeon sales in pools with open sturgeon setline seasons. Please check with individual tribes for specific regulations.

Note: This announcement is an informational document and does not constitute a fishery regulation. Individual tribes determine actual fishing regulations for their members. Copies of regulations are available from tribal fishery departments.

Fisher Information

  • If you have any fishing enforcement problems or need assistance or information, day, or night, contact the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fisheries Enforcement Office, 4270 Westcliff Drive, Hood River, Oregon. Phone: (541)-386-6363 or toll-free (800)-487-FISH (3474).
  • Show pride in your tribe’s treaty rights by carrying your tribal ID. Please consult your tribal Fisheries Department for additional details on tribal regulations. PLEASE WEAR YOUR LIFE JACKETS FOR SAFETY and avoid overloading your boats.

If you have any fishing enforcement problems or need assistance or information, day or night, contact the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fisheries Enforcement Office, 4270 Westcliff Drive, Hood River, Oregon. Phone: (541)-386-6363 or toll-free (800)-487-FISH (3474). Show pride in your tribe’s treaty rights by carrying your tribal ID. Please consult your tribal Fisheries Department for additional details on tribal regulations. PLEASE WEAR YOUR LIFE JACKETS FOR SAFETY and avoid overloading your boats.


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