This information was provided from the Yakama Nation Fish and Wildlife Committee. Click here to view original memo.
The Yakama Nation Fish & Wildlife Committee directed its Fisheries staff to RESCHEDULE the fishers meeting for Friday, April 15, 2022, from 10am to 4pm at the Hood River In, Hood River, Oregon AND via Zoom (log in details at end of announcement).
Topics for discussion include:
- Spring Season 2022
- Forecasts and Catch Guidelines
- Fisheries Outlook
- Summer Season 2022
- Forecasts and Catch Guidelines
- Fisheries Outlook
- Other Topics
- Bird Management (Bill Sharp) – 11:30am
- Invasive Species (Blaine Parker) – 11:45am
- Icicle River Exp Area (Dave Blodgett III) – 1pm
- CRITFC: Overview; Key Functions; COVID-19 Updates and Outreach (Aja DeCoteau and other CRITFC staff)
- Salmon Marketing
- In-lieu/TFAS: N’ChiWana Housing/Akana
Remote meeting instructions:
- Online-meeting Link:
- Call-in link (click here from mobile phone to dial)
- Meeting ID: 160 158 0308