Portland, Oregon – Locals and visitors heading home after the eclipse will have the opportunity to take home a Columbia River Indian-caught salmon when fishers from the Nez Perce, Umatilla, Warm Springs, and Yakama tribes take to the Columbia River on August 21 in the first significant commercial opening of the fall season. Everyone can enjoy the tribal harvest when Columbia River Indian-caught salmon make their way into regional grocery stores, farmers markets, and restaurants throughout the Pacific Northwest.
In addition to retail locations, Columbia River Indian-caught salmon can be purchased directly from tribal fishers at locations along the river. Common sale locations include: Marine Park (Cascade Locks), North Bonneville (one mile east of Bonneville Dam on the Washington shore), Koberg (east of Hood River), and Celilo Village.
Closely monitored throughout the season, the Columbia River fall tribal fishery is adjusted as the run progresses to ensure that the fishery remains within the harvest limits established under the U.S. v. Oregon fisheries management agreement. The U.S. v. Oregon fisheries management agreement aims to protect, rebuild, and enhance upper Columbia River fish runs. Indian and non-Indian harvest guidelines outlined in the management agreement help to ensure sustainability of the resource.
“The tribes played a major role in rebuilding fall chinook to harvestable populations and are now putting these salmon on the market through a carefully managed and sustainable fishery,” said Jaime A. Pinkham, executive director of the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission. “Our commitment to the salmon has made the tribes leaders in regional salmon recovery efforts and we are dedicated to use the best available science in the management of all our fisheries practices.”
The tribal fishery is protected under treaties with the federal government signed in 1855, where the Yakama, Warm Springs, Umatilla, and Nez Perce tribes reserved their rights to ceremonial, subsistence and commercial fishing at all usual and accustomed fishing places in the Columbia river basin.
“Salmon is fundamental to the culture and identity of all the tribes in this region and have played a significant role in the regional economy for thousands of years,” said Pinkham. “By enjoying sustainably harvested Indian-caught salmon, everyone has the chance to be a part of this ancient tradition.”
Visit CRITFC’s salmon marketing website https://www.critfc.org/harvest or call the salmon marketing program at (888) 289-1855 before heading up the Columbia River to find up-to-date information on sale locations, availability, and purchasing tips. Follow @ColumbiaSalmon on Twitter for updates and sales information.