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Age and Length Composition of the Columbia Basin Summer Chinook Salmon Sampled at Bonneville Dam in 1990

Jun 15, 1991


The Stock Assessment Project of the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) is a part of the US-Canada Pacific Salmon Treaty spawning escapement monitoring program (PST 1985). A principle aim of the project is the design and development of salmon stock identification techniques to individual stocks or groups of stocks of Columbia Basin salmon originating above Bonneville Dam, located on the Columbia River at river kilometer 235. This report summarized age and length-at-age composition estimates for summer Chinook Salmon sampled at Bonneville Dam in 1990. At the sampling location, the summer Chinook Salmon population is composed of a mixture of both hatchery and natural origin stocks. Scale pattern analysis was the primary study method.



Fryer, J. and M. Schwartzberg. 1990. Age and length composition of Columbia Basin summer Chinook Salmon sampled at Bonneville Dam in 1990. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 91-4. Portland, OR. 27p.



Report No.


Media Type

CRITFC Technical Report