An Annotated Compendium of Spawning Ground Surveys in the Columbia River Basin Above Bonneville Dam, 1960-1984
This report has been written for three primary reasons: 1) to compile and publish spawning ground survey information for the Columbia Basin above Bonneville Dam, an area frequently studied by fisheries managers and planners; 2) to clarify, annotate, and reconcile previously published spawning ground survey data; and 3) to use a computer for preparation and storage of the data in this report.
Schwartzberg, M. and P. Roger. 1986. An annotated compendium of spawning ground surveys in the Columbia River Basin above Bonneville Dam, 1960-1984. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 86-1. Portland, OR. 115p.
Report No.
Media Type
CRITFC Technical Report