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Basinwide Supplementation Evaluation Project: 2011 Annual Progress Report

Jun 28, 2021


This report reviews activities and results for contract year #3 (May 1, 2011 to April 30, 2012) of the multi-year Basinwide Supplementation Evaluation project (hereafter, the Project). In addition to activities involving administration of the Project, work elements for this contract year were organized under six project objectives. The six project objectives are as follows: 1) Support RRS study of spring/summer Chinook in Johnson Creek, ID; 2) Support RRS studies of reintroduced salmon populations; 3) Organize Fisheries Genetics Training program for tribal fisheries personnel; 4) Prepare manuscripts for publication in scientific journals; 5) Participate in regional forums for review of hatchery effects on natural populations; and 6) DIDSON escapement estimation.



Galbreath, P.F., S.R. Narum, M.A. Hess, and A.P. Matala. 2012. Basinwide supplementation evaluation project: 2011 annual progress report. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 12-16, for U.S. Bonneville Power Administration Project 2009-009-00. Portland, OR. 22p.



Report No.


Media Type

CRITFC Technical Report