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Basinwide Supplementation Evaluation Project: 2012 Annual Progress Report

Jun 28, 2021


Work elements for contract year #4 (May 1, 2012 to April 30, 2013) of the multi-year Basinwide Supplementation Evaluation project organized under seven project objectives.  The primary focus of the Project involved Hatchery RM&E, specifically financing of molecular genetic analyses to assess critical uncertainties related to effects of hatchery supplementation on productivity of depressed natural salmon populations, as well as of stocks that have been reintroduced following extirpation of the native populations.



Galbreath, P.F., M.A. Hess, A.P. Matala, and S.R. Narum. 2013. Basinwide supplementation evaluation project: 2012 annual progress report. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 13-12, for U.S. Bonneville Power Administration Project 2009-009-00. Portland, OR. 21p.



Report No.


Media Type

CRITFC Technical Report