Basinwide Supplementation Evaluation Project: 2019 Annual Progress Report
This report summarizes activities for calendar year 2019 performed as part of the multi-year project organized under the seven project objectives. The primary objective of the Project is to facilitate studies associated with monitoring and evaluation of tribal programs to assess: a) critical uncertainties related to effects of hatchery management and supplementation on abundance and productivity of depressed natural anadromous fish populations, and b) abundance and productivity trends in new natural populations established through reintroduction of out-of-basin origin fish (of hatchery origin and/or natural origin) in subbasins where the indigenous population had been extirpated.
Galbreath, P.F., I. Koch, A.L. Pierce, J.J Stephenson, and A. Matala. 2020. Basinwide supplementation evaluation project: 2019 annual progress report. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 20-07, for U.S. Bonneville Power Administration Project 2009-009-00. Portland, OR. 47p.