Basinwide Supplementation Evaluation Project: 2020 Annual Progress Report
This report summarizes activities occurring from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, all of which were performed as part of the multi-year basinwide supplementation evaluation project. The primary objective of the Project is to facilitate monitoring and evaluation of tribally managed supplementation programs to assess: a) critical uncertainties related to effects of hatchery management and supplementation on natural anadromous fish populations, and b) abundance and productivity trends within reintroduced populations.
Nuetzel, H., A.L. Pierce, I. Koch, L. Medeiros, N. Hoffman, A. Matala, and P.F. Galbreath. 2021. Basinwide supplementation evaluation project: 2020 annual progress report. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 21-04, for U.S. Bonneville Power Administration Project 2009-009-00. Portland, OR. 82p.