Characterizing Watershed-scale Effects of Habitat Restoration Actions to Inform Life Cycle Models: Case Studies Using Data-rich vs. Data-poor Approaches
Life cycle models (LCMs) are an essential tool for developing effective management strategies to conserve and recover salmonid populations. LCMs link the salmonid life cycle to physical and biological processes through a series of population biology parameters. Since salmon encompass large geographic ranges, as well as multiple habitat types, understanding the quantitative connection between the life stages and the stream and ocean environment is paramount to understanding what may limit their productivity and abundance at the population scale.
Pess, G., and C. E. Jordan, editors. 2019. Characterizing watershed-scale effects of habitat restoration actions to inform life cycle models: case studies using data-rich vs. data-poor approaches. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-151. 179p. Online at