Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program Report 2013 – Third Year Lessons Learned Project Synthesis Report
The Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP) is designed to collect information on tributary habitat attributes that can be used to predict the freshwater productivity of anadromous salmonids reliably. The Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program began development of the CHaMP pilot in 2010 and it was implemented in 2011. The CHaMP sampling design calls for nine-years of data collection, in watersheds that represent a range of environmental conditions in the Columbia River Basin to produce traditional and novel habitat metrics that can be “rolled-up”, that is, used to describe fish-habitat relationships relevant to three key management questions posed by Bonneville Power Administration.
CHaMP. 2015. The Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program 2013 – third year lessons learned project synthesis report. Prepared by CHaMP for the Bonneville Power Administration Project 2011-006-00. Published by Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR. 67p.