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Columbia River Chinook Salmon Stock Monitoring Project for Stocks Originating Above Bonneville Dam: Field Operations Guide (Revised)

May 25, 1989


The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) and its member tribes will conduct fieldwork to help implement the Pacific Salmon Treaty monitoring programs. The research will consist of two separate but related projects: stock identification and stock monitoring.  This manual applies to the stock monitoring and describes rationales and methodologies for assessing spawning escapement of “indicator” Chinook stocks – stocks that federal, state, and tribal biologists believe are likely to reflect the effects of Treaty-imposed regulations through changes in escapements from the offshore fisheries.



Heindl, Alex. 1987. Columbia River Chinook Salmon stock monitoring project for stocks originating above Bonneville Dam: field operations guide (Revised). Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 87-2. Portland, OR. 41p.



Report No.


Media Type

CRITFC Technical Report