Development of a Stock Assessment and Research Plan for Mid-Columbia Summer Chinook Salmon
Available data pertinent to mid-Columbia summer Chinook were collected, summarized, and analyzed to identify information gaps necessary to develop a comprehensive stock assessment and to propose areas for further research that will help evaluate current escapement goals and guide future management plans. Data were gathered on life cycle patterns, stock history, harvest estimates, abundance estimates, redd counts, carcass recoveries, age composition of returning adults, coded wire tags, escapement, juvenile outmigrants, artificial production, and management practices. It was found that the existing direct data are too limited to adequately assess abundance and productivity of summer Chinook and determine escapement goals. Data were particularly lacking for refining estimates of adult escapement, juvenile productivity, and evaluating of the contribution of artificially propagated fish to spawning and productivity in the wild; further research is recommended in these areas.
Evenson, D.F. and A.J. Talbot. 2003. Development of a stock assessment and research plan for Mid-Columbia River Summer Chinook Salmon. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 03-3. Portland, OR. 164p.