Evaluating Salmonid and Stream Ecosystem Response to Conservation Measures and Environmental Stressors in the Columbia River Basin: Annual Report 2023
The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission is conducting a research, monitoring, and evaluation study designed to determine the effectiveness of aggregate restoration actions in improving freshwater habitat conditions and viability of ESA-listed spring Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations. A critical uncertainty for fisheries managers in the Columbia Basin is whether freshwater habitat restoration actions will improve basin-wide habitat quantity/quality and thereby salmon productivity to a level sufficient to offset human-caused survival impairments elsewhere in the life cycle. Geographically, this project is focused on the Grande Ronde River basin (tributary of the Snake River in the Columbia River basin), but with applications and testing of research, monitoring, and evaluation approaches also occurring in other Columbia River tributaries.
Justice, C., M. Kaylor, A. Ringelman, B. Staton, and M Wolf. 2024. Evaluating salmonid and stream ecosystem response to conservation measures and environmental stressors in the Columbia River Basin: Annual report 2024. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 24-04. Portland, OR. 222p.