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Genomics in Conservation: Case Studies and Bridging the Gap Between Data and Application

Apr 14, 2016


We agree with Shafer et al. [1] that there is a need for well-documented case studies of the application of genomics in conservation and management as well as increased communication between academics and natural resource managers. However, we challenge Shafer et al.’s [1] relatively pessimistic assertion that ‘conservation genomics is far from seeing regular application’. Here we illustrate by examples that conservation practitioners utilize more genomic research than is often apparent. In addition, we highlight the work of nonacademic laboratories [government and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)], some of which are not always well represented in peer-reviewed literature.


Brittany Garner, Brian Hand, Stephen Amish, Louis Bernatchez, Jeffrey Foster, Kristina Miller, Phillip Morin, Shawn Narum, Stephen O’Brien, Gretchen Roffler, William Templin, Paul Sunnucks, Jeffrey Strait, Kenneth Warheit, Todd Seamons, John Wenburg, Jeffrey Olsen, and Gordon Luikart


Garner, B.A., B.K. Hand, S.J. Amish, L. Bernatchez, J.T. Foster, K.M. Miller, P.A. Morin, S.R. Narum, S.J. O’Brien, G. Roffler, W.D. Templin, P. Sunnucks, J. Strait, K.I. Warheit, T.R. Seamons, J. Wenburg, J. Olsen, and G. Luikart. 2016. Genomics in conservation: case studies and bridging the gap between data and application. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 31(2): 81–83. Online at



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Journal Article