Influence of Environment and Landscape on Salmonid Genetics: 2009-2010 Annual Report
Environmental and landscape features can greatly contribute to the population structure, life history diversification, and local adaptation of organisms in aquatic habitats. Geographic barriers to dispersal include recent events that may have been human induced (e.g., dams) as well as ancient events such as glaciations and formation of mountain chains. However, other environmental characteristics such as elevation, temperature, forest cover, and precipitation may influence distribution, adaptation, and gene flow of species. For example, the geographic distributions of species ranges’ are often determined by thermal tolerance and may necessitate adaptations for survival in extreme environments. In this study, we plan to screen a suite of approximately 100 SNP markers in natural populations of steelhead and Chinook Salmon for which we have previous information regarding traits of interest (i.e., thermal tolerance and smoltification). Markers within the suite will be split into categories of putative candidate or neutral loci for analyses of local adaptation and gene flow, respectively.
Narum, S., A. Matala, and N. Campbell. 2010. Influence of environment and landscape on salmonid genetics, 7/1/09 – 6/30/10 annual report. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 10-14. Portland, OR. 57p.