Influence of Landscape and Environment on Salmonid Genetics: 2018 Annual Report
This project addresses two objectives related to environmental and landscape features that contribute to population structure, life history diversification, and local adaptation of salmonids in the Columbia River. Objective 1) Environment & Landscape Genetics – Evaluate genetic structure of natural populations of salmonids relative to their environment and identify candidate markers associated with traits that are related to local adaptation of steelhead and Chinook Salmon populations. Objective 2) Genetic Basis for Phenotypic Expression of Traits – empirical studies have been implemented to advance our understanding of multiple traits related to recovery of salmonids in the Columbia River.
Narum, S.R., Z. Chen, and J. Hess. 2019. Influence of landscape and environment on salmonid genetics, 1/1/2018 – 12/31/2018 annual report. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 19-06. Portland, OR. p22.