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Life – Cycle Model for Upper Grande Ronde and Catherine Creek Spring Chinook: Evaluation of Habitat Restoration and Population Recovery Strategies

Aug 28, 2019


The following describes continued progress toward assessment of Chinook Salmon populations and habitat restoration opportunities within the upper Grande Ronde River (UGR) and Catherine Creek (CC) watersheds using a life-cycle modelling (LCM) framework. The work presented here extends LCM development efforts previously initiated by the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) and included as part of the Independent Scientific Advisory Board’s (ISAB) 2017 review of LCM efforts in the interior Columbia Basin (chapter 9.f in ISAB 2017). Ultimately, these efforts are intended to provide an analytical tool that will guide long-term restoration and recovery strategies for two threatened Chinook Salmon populations under changing climatic conditions. This effort focuses on two objectives that include: 1) Refinement of LCM parameters and functions to improve model accuracy and efficiency, and 2) leveraging the model to evaluate potential restoration strategies that might increase the viability of these populations under future time horizons that include climate change impacts.


Nick Weber, Nick Bouwes, Casey Justice, and Seth White


Weber, N., N. Bouwes, C. Justice, and S. White. 2018. Life – Cycle model for upper Grande Ronde and Catherine Creek spring Chinook – evaluation of habitat restoration and population recovery strategies.  Prepared for the Bonneville Power Administration by Eco Logical Research and the Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish Commission. Portland, OR. 48p.



Report No.


Media Type

Inter-Agency Report