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Limiting Factors of the Abundance of Okanagan and Wenatchee Sockeye Salmon in 2014

Mar 31, 2016


A total of 1414 Sockeye Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, were PIT tagged at the Bonneville Dam Adult Fish Facility in 2014. These fish, along with previously PIT tagged Sockeye Salmon also sampled, were tracked upstream using data from detection arrays at mainstem Columbia River dam fish ladders as well as in-river arrays in the Wenatchee and Okanagan basins. Using data from PIT tags deployed at Bonneville Dam, the estimated stock composition of Sockeye Salmon was 81.1% Okanagan, 17.5% Wenatchee, 1.0% Snake, and 0.4% Yakima.


Jeffrey Fryer, Howie Wright, Skyeler Folks, Richard Bussanich, Kim Hyatt, Margot Stockwell, and Jennifer Miller


Fryer, J.K., H. Wright, S. Folks, R. Bussanich, K. Hyatt, M. Stockwell, and J. Miller. 2016. Limiting factors of the abundance of Okanagan and Wenatchee Sockeye Salmon in 2014. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission 16-02 for U.S. Dept. of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Project 2008-503-00. Portland, OR. 147p.



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CRITFC Technical Report