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Monitoring Fine Sediment: Grande Ronde and John Day Rivers: Annual Report for 1999

Jan 1, 2000


Fine sediment in spawning substrate has a major effect on salmon survival from egg to smolt. Basin-wide restoration plans have established targets for fine sediment levels in spawning habitat. The project was initiated to monitor surface fine sediment levels and overwinter intrusion of fine sediment in spring Chinook Salmon spawning habitat in the North Fork John Day (NFJDR) and Grande Ronde Rivers, for five years. The project is also investigating the potential relationship between surface fine levels and overwinter sedimentation. It will provide data to assess trends in substrate conditions in monitored reaches and whether trends are consistent with efforts to improve salmon habitat conditions. The data on the magnitude of overwinter sedimentation will also be used to estimate salmon survival from egg to emergence.


Jonathan Rhodes, Jonas Greene, and Michael Purse


Rhodes, J., J.M. Greene, M.D. Purser. 2000. Monitoring fine sediment Grande Ronde and John Day Rivers: annual report for 1999. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 00-1, for U.S. Bonneville Power Administration Project 1997-034-00. Portland, OR. 50p.



Report No.


Media Type

CRITFC Technical Report