Multidisciplinary Evaluation of the Feasibility of Parentage-based Genetic Tagging (PBT) for Management of Pacific Salmon
This report describes the current status of the coastwide coded-wire tag (CWT) system, which provides information allowing the Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC) to meet its obligations under the Pacific Salmon Treaty (PST) to report annual catches, harvest rate indices, estimates of incidental mortality and exploitation rates for all Chinook fisheries and stocks harvested within the Treaty area. It also gives a current description of mass marking and mark selective fisheries. The report then explores the viability of parentage-based tagging (PBT) as an alternative, or supplement, to CWT and outlines the structure, feasibility and cost of a coordinated coast-wide PBT tag recovery system.
Other Key Species: Chum Salmon
Satterthwaite, W., E. Anderson, M. Campbell, J.C. Garza, M. Mohr, S. Narum, and C. Speir. 2015. Multidisciplinary evaluation of the feasibility of parentage-based genetic tagging (PBT) for management of Pacific salmon. Report to the Pacific Salmon Commission. 139p.