Quantitative Methods of Developing Escapement Goals in the Columbia River Basin: A Scientific Perspective
Fish stocks are a renewable resource and must be managed accordingly. Doing so will ensure healthy populations at perpetuity. Under healthy ecosystem circumstances, populations produce more offspring than necessary for replacement. In such healthy systems, the “surplus” adult fish produced are available without causing unduly harmful effects on a population. However, the Columbia River Basin is a special case situation. In most cases, with the exception of a few populations such as the Hanford Reach/Priest Rapids Hatchery spawning aggregate, salmon populations are either declining or are at depressed abundance levels. Setting harvest rates must be made in the context of rebuilding strategies.
Talbot, A. 2001. Quantitative methods of developing escapement goals in the Columbia River Basin: a scientific perspective. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 01-4. Portland, OR. 15p.