Studies into Factors Limiting the Abundance of Okanagan and Wenatchee Sockeye Salmon in 2019
A total of 981 Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) were sampled and 960 PIT tagged at the Bonneville Dam Adult Fish Facility (AFF) in 2019. Sockeye tagged by this project, along with previously PIT tagged Sockeye Salmon also sampled, were tracked upstream using data from detection arrays at mainstem Columbia River dam fish ladders as well as in-river arrays in the Wenatchee and Okanagan basins. Upstream detections of adult PIT tagged Sockeye Salmon tracked by this project resulted in an estimated survival in 2019 of 84.2% to McNary Dam and 81.6% Rock Island Dam.
Fryer, J.K., D. Kelsey, H. Wright, S. Folks, R. Bussanich, K.D. Hyatt, and M.M. Stockwell. 2021. Studies into factors limiting the abundance of Okanagan and Wenatchee Sockeye Salmon in 2019. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 21-01, for U.S. Dept. of Energy Bonneville Power Administration Project 2008-503-00. Portland, OR. 217p.