Three Genetic Stocks of Upriver Bright Fall Chinook Salmon Detected in the Columbia River Basin, USA
In order to detect stock structure in the Columbia River basin, we analyzed 694 upriver bright fall Chinook Salmon samples from seven locations at seven microsatellite loci. Results indicate three main stocks of upriver bright fall Chinook Salmon in the Columbia basin above Bonneville Dam. These three stocks are Deschutes River, Snake River (natural origin), and Columbia River mainstem (plus Lyons Ferry Hatchery). Samples from 424 unknown origin upriver bright fall Chinook Salmon passing Bonneville Dam in 1999 were assigned to one of the three genetic stocks detected in this study.
Narum, S.R., A. Talbot, D. Hatch, J. Whiteaker, and M. Powell. 2004. Three genetic stocks of Upriver Bright fall Chinook Salmon detected in the Columbia River Basin, USA. Session in North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Technical Report No. 5:67-69. Online at