Upper Grande Ronde River Basin Stream Temperature Modeling
The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) contracted with Watershed Sciences, Inc. (WSI) to collect LiDAR and thermal infrared data and simulate stream temperature in the upper Grande Ronde River subbasin in northeastern Oregon. This report summarizes the remote sensing and ground level data and describes the stream temperature modeling results. The goal of the project was to collect high-resolution landscape and water quality data for use in the Heat Source stream temperature model. Stream temperature was simulated for the Grande Ronde River, Catherine Creek, and several of their tributaries for a 3-week period between August 6 and August 27, 2010. The simulation period is representative of low-flow and high stream temperature conditions, when salmonid habitat is at its most critical condition. A variety of scenarios were then simulated to estimate the influences of air temperature, flow, and vegetation on stream temperatures.
Watershed Sciences. 2012. Upper Grande Ronde River Basin stream temperature modeling. Prepared for Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission. Watershed Sciences, Inc. Portland, OR. p205.