CRITFC provides the tribes and the region with biological research, fisheries management, hydrology, climate change analysis, and other science to support the protection and restoration of Columbia Basin salmon, lamprey, and sturgeon.
CRITFC employs lawyers, policy analysts, and fisheries enforcement officers who work to ensure that tribal treaty rights are protected. All of these activities are done in careful coordination with and under the direction of our member tribes.
CRITFC works to build and foster pathways for Native American students from elementary school through postgraduate levels to achieve the skills, education and training necessary to succeed in fisheries and natural resource positions.
CRITFC works to educate all residents of the Columbia Basin about the importance of salmon, of caring for the environment in which salmon live, and inspiring them to create ways that they can honor salmon themselves.
CRITFC’s mission is to ensure a unified voice in the overall management of the fishery resources, and as managers, to protect reserved treaty rights through the exercise of the inherent sovereign powers of the tribes.”
CRITFC provides services directly to fishers from its member tribes including the operation and maintenance of 31 fishing access sites along the Columbia River. (503) 736-3596
Employee since: 2010
Finance and Operations Department Portland Main Office
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