CRITFC Inter-Tribal Monitoring Data Project
2024 Annual Tribal Data Workshop Materials
The annual Tribal Data Workshop was held virtually February 13th, 2024.
- 2024 Tribal Data Workshop Agenda
- ITMD Welcome and Discussion (Sheryn Olson, CRITFC)
- West Coast Ocean Alliance (WCOA) Data Portal Status & Plans: Building a Better Data Portal (Laura Bliss and Andy Lanier, West Coast Ocean Data Portal)
- NOAA Grant Update: Enhancing Data Management Capacity Among the CRITFC, its Four Member Tribes, and the WCOA (Mary Rose (Rosie) Gradoville and Jiaming Yang, CRITFC)
- Legacy Dataset Preparation for Digitization (Christine Longjohn, CTWSRO)
- A New Tribal Data Management Working Group: Progress and Lessons Learned (Stefan Kelly, CTWSRO)
- NWIFC Tribal Water Quality Data Exchange and the Information Management Platform (Bruce Jones, Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission)
2023 Annual Tribal Data Workshop Materials
The annual Tribal Data Workshop was held virtually April 26th, 2023.
- NOAA Grant: Enhancing Data Management Capacity among the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), its Four Member Tribes, and the West Coast Ocean Alliance (Mary Rose (Rosie) Gradoville, CRITFC)
- Interoperability of datasets: Integrating Data to Monitor Life History Diversity in Columbia Basin Salmonids (Stuart Willis, John Hess, Jeffrey Fryer, John Whiteaker, and Shawn Narum, CRITFC)
- Taking care of knowledge, taking care of salmon: Indigenous data sovereignty (Sara Cannon, University of British Columbia)
- mdToolkit and Metadata Standards (Dennis Walworth, USGS)
- Building a Legacy Dataset (Justin Welty and Michelle Jeffries, USGS)
2022 Annual Tribal Data Workshop Materials
The annual Tribal Data Workshop was held April 13th, 2022 virtually due to COVID-19.
Data Management and Resources
- Introduction to the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Library: Resources for Researchers (Tami Wilkerson, CRITFC)
- Obstacles in Data Management Discussion (Led by Sheryn Olson, CRITFC)
- Data Management Maturity Model-Scoring a Similar Dataset: Spawning Ground Surveys and Assessing the DMMM tool: Last Year vs This Year (Clark Watry NPT, Bill Bosch YN, Colette Coiner CTUIR, Stefan Kelly CTWSRO, and Joe Nowinski CRITFC)
- From Micro to Macro: Scaling-Up a Data Management Ecosystem (Benjamin Warren, Danny Warren and Jacob Shapley, WDFW Biological Database Systems)
- Data Management and Visualization for Large Datasets at CMOP (Charles Seaton, CMOP)
- Managing Data from Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) (Connar Stone, GRMW)
Workflows and Dataflows Compared with Spawning Ground Survey Use Cases
- Spawning Ground Survey123 Forms: ODFW vs CTUIR vs Paper (Colette Coiner, CTUIR)
- Field to CDMS Repository and Everything in Between (Samantha Smith, NPT)
- Warm Springs Spawning Ground Survey123 Forms (Stefan Kelly, CTWSRO)
- Spawning Ground Survey123 Forms (Michelle Steg-Geltner, YN)
- How Pre-dataset Collection Workflow Smooths Post Data Management (Colette Coiner and Stacy Schumacher, CTUIR)
Adult and Juvenile Trapping: Stream to Repository
- NPT – Centralized P4 Customized for Several Projects (Clark Watry, NPT)
- YN – Roza Adults/Prosser Dam Counts, RSTs Stories (Michelle Steg-Geltner, YN)
IMS/STAR and the CDMSs: Identifying and Using the Best of All Worlds
- CTUIR CDMS – Code for Report Builders (Colette Coiner, CTUIR)
- YNF IMS to STAR – IMS and CDMS, a Comparison (Michelle Steg-Geltner, YN)
- Kus/R Shiny Extracting Data from CDMS to KUS – CUYEM R package (Tyler Stright, NPT)
- Strategy Performance Indicators – An Overview and Status (Kris Homel and Leslie Bach, NPCC)
2021 Annual Tribal Data Workshop Materials
The annual Tribal Data Workshop was held April 13 and 14, 2021 virtually due to COVID-19.
- 2021 Tribal Data Workshop Agenda
- Case Studies of Data Management: Many Players, Many Lessons (Frank Roberts and Derrick Frese, Innovate!, Inc.)
- How Data and Data Management Fit Within the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s Fish and Wildlife Program (Leslie Bach, NPCC)
- Coordinating data to guide Federal ESA decisions: NOAA Fisheries and the CAX (Mari Williams, NFSC-NOAA)
- Indigenous Data Sovereignty: An Overview and Potential Application of Data Governance for CRITFC (Stephanie R. Carroll, University of Arizona and Andrew Martinez, The Native Nations Institute)
- Initial Deployment of the Tribal Data Management Maturity (DMM) Model (Tom Iverson, Natural Resource Consulting)
2020 August ITMD Webinar on Survey123 Data Collection Tool
The webinar was held on August 3, 2020.
- Webinar Agenda
- Survey123: CDMS Driven Field Data Collection (Samantha Smith, NPT)
- Collecting with Collector, The Frustrations Edition, Along with Cool Features and Functions (Keith Mortensen, NPT)
- End to End Data Capture and Sharing Using Survey123 (Michelle Steg-Geltner, YN)
- CTUIR Survey 123 Geoprocessing and Feature Reporting (Colette Coiner and Ken Burcham, CTUIR)
- Mobile Data Collection, QA/QC, Analysis, and Reporting (Justin Welty, USGS) – Presenter’s notes are at the top left corner of each page.
2020 Annual Tribal Data Workshop Materials
The annual Tribal Data Workshop was held April 15 and 16, 2020 virtually due to COVID-19.
- 2020 Tribal Data Workshop Agenda
- CRITFC Accomplishments and Plans (Joe Nowinski and Denise Kelsey, CRITFC)
- Umatilla Accomplishments and Plans (Ken Burcham and Colette Coiner, CTUIR)
- Nez Perce Accomplishments and Plans (Clark Watry, NPT)
- Yakama Accomplishments and Plans (Michelle Steg-Geltner, YN)
- Warm Springs Accomplishments and Plans (Amy Charette and Joe Lemanskti, CTWSRO)
- Presentation and Discussion with StreamNet (Nancy Leonard and Mike Banach, PSMFC StreamNet)
- Data Maturity Model Presentation and Discussion (Tom Iverson, Tom K Iverson Natural Resource Consulting)
2019 Annual Tribal Data Workshop Materials
The annual Tribal Data Workshop was held April 16 and 17, 2019 at the Yakama Nation field offices in Yakima and Toppenish.
- 2019 Tribal Data Workshop Agenda
- Nez Perce Accomplishments and Plans (Clark Watry, NPT)
- Warm Springs Accomplishments and Plans (Cyndi Baker, CTWSRO)
- Umatilla Accomplishments and Plans (Ken Burcham, CTUIR)
- Yakama Accomplishments and Plans (Michelle Steg-Geltner, YN)
- CRITFC Accomplishments and Plans (Colleen Roe, CRITFC)
- Mainstem and Program Support Category Review: ISRP Comments (Zach Penny, CRITFC)
- CDMS 2.0 Overview and Group Discussion (Ken Burcham, CTUIR)
- SSRS Overview (Colette Coiner, CTUIR)
- Automating SQL Server Backups (Joe Nowinski, CRITFC)
- AWS Backup Framework (Colleen Roe, CRITFC)
- Introduction to Shiny (Ryan Kinzer, NPT)
- Introductory R Tutorial (Colleen Roe, CRITFC)
2018 Annual Tribal Data Workshop Materials
The annual Tribal Data Workshop was held April 10 and 11, 2018 at the CRITFC Office.
- 2018 Tribal Data Workshop Agenda
- The Umatilla Drone Program (Stacy Schumacher, CTUIR)
- Handling Genetics Data in DBs (Jeff Stephenson, CRITFC/Hagerman)
- Cloud Computing Tutorial (Colleen Roe, CRITFC)
- ArcGIS Collector (Graham Boostrom, CTWSRO)
- Fish Data Capture with Voice (Colleen Roe, CRITFC)
- SSMS Workshop (Colleen Roe, CRITFC)
- Advanced SQL Workshop (Joe Nowinski, CRITFC)
- Advanced SQL Scripts (zip file)
Contact Information for Postings
Sheryn Olson
Inter-Tribal Monitoring Data Project Coordinator
Portland Main Office
(503) 731-1270
Denise Kelsey
Fishery Scientist/GIS and Data Mgmt & Apps Prog Manager
Portland Main Office
(503) 731-1280