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Tribal Perspective Report


This Tribal Perspective is provided to the Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation and Bonneville Power Administration [hereinafter “Co‐Lead Agencies” or “Agencies”] in response to the Agencies’ email dated February 14, 2019, requesting submissions of Tribal Perspectives for the Columbia River System Operation Draft Environmental Impact Statement [CRSO DEIS]. This Tribal Perspective was prepared by the Nez Perce Tribe [NPT], Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation [CTUIR], Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon [CTWRSO] and the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation [YN] with assistance by the Columbia River Inter‐Tribal Fish Commission [CRITFC][collectively the “Columbia River Treaty Tribes”].
The Columbia River Treaty Tribes expect that this Tribal Perspectives Report, incorporating by reference the entirety of the 1999 Meyer Report that serves as its foundation, will be incorporated in the CRSO EIS as submitted. The Meyer Report provides a useful framework for outlining and introducing tribal concerns and perspectives with the effects of the federal Columbia and Snake river dams on tribal resources, interests and culture. This Tribal Perspective draws highlights from the Meyer Report and supplements it with updated and new information.

CRITFC Science Team

CRITFC’s Fish Science department consists of geneticists, hydrologists, fish biologists, biometricians, meteorologists, and other scientists dedicated to studying salmon and their ecosystem.