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Mobile Command Center

In June 2014, CRITFC Enforcement’s new Mobile Command Center was delivered. The MCC was purchased through a grant from the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

In 2008, CRITFC authorized the Enforcement Department to design and research purchase costs of an emergency incident command vehicle. Every year CRITFE responds to treaty fishing related emergencies on the Columbia River. Sadly, some of these tragedies involve loss of life.

During past emergencies, the Enforcement Department has struggled with on-scene interagency communications, privacy for investigators and family members, and interaction with media. Many of these emergencies extend over many days and involve coordinating personnel from a variety of agencies, search-and-rescue organizations, and volunteers, all while requiring 24-hour scene security staffing.

A mobile incident command vehicle is a common equipment resource for law enforcement and emergency responders. The vehicle provides a mobile office and communications facility for on-scene response operations.

In addition to the river emergency uses, the vehicle could provide assistance to CRITFC tribes during on-reservation emergencies, assistance on other emergency responses or special events in the area.

Enforcement Sergeant Mitch Hicks and Captain Jerry Ekker have concluded the primary design elements and features. In the next few weeks CRITFC will be seeking bids for the specifications of the vehicle. The Enforcement Department hopes to receive the vehicle in time for the summer/fall fishing season.

The Enforcement Department appreciates the support of the tribes, the CRITFC commissioners, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Portland Area Office in its pursuit to provide the most professional emergency services possible.

Mobile Command Center Interior 

1) Sleeping berths for officers; 2) Private office space; 3) Lavatory; 4) Galley kitchen; 5) Sitting and interview area; 6) Multiple station office area

The Mobile Command Center kitchen and seating area. The center provides space and resources to coordinate emergency or enforcement responses at remote locations.