Wednesday, September 22, 2021
The four Columbia River treaty fishing tribes set the following fishery plan and the Columbia River Compact concurred:
Zone 6 Commercial Gillnet Fishery
- Dates/Times: 6 AM Monday, September 27 to 6 PM Friday, October 1 (4 nights)
- Area: All of Zone 6
- Gear: Set and Drift Gillnets with 8-inch minimum mesh size restriction.
- Allowable Sales: Salmon (any species), steelhead, shad, yellow perch, bass, walleye, catfish, and carp may be sold or retained for subsistence. Fish landed during the open periods are allowed to be sold after the period concludes. Sturgeon may not be sold, but sturgeon from 38 to 54 inches fork length in the Bonneville Pool and sturgeon from 43 to 54 inches fork length in The Dalles and John Day Pools may be kept for subsistence purposes.
- Closed Areas: Standard sanctuaries applicable to gillnet gear. The Spring Creek Hatchery sanctuary will be reduced to 150 feet around the hatchery ladder.
Zone 6 Platform and Hook-and-line fishery
- The Zone 6 Platform and Hook-and-line fishery regulations remain unchanged.
Tributary Fisheries and Fisheries Downstream of Bonneville Dam
- Consult your tribe’s Fishery Department for current regulations in these areas.
- Yakama Nation:
- Warm Springs: (541) 553-3557
- Umatilla: (541) 276-3447
- Nez Perce: (208) 843-7143 | (fishing and hunting regulations in Fish & Wildlife Commission section)
Note: This announcement is an informational document and does not constitute a fishery regulation. Individual tribes determine actual fishing regulations for their members. Copies of regulations are available from tribal fishery departments.
Fisher Information
- Vaccines work and are safe. Get vaccinated to help protect you, your family, and your tribal community. One Community Health is the tribal health partner in the Columbia Gorge. Call them at 541-386-6380 to schedule your free vaccination or call your tribal clinic to get it before heading to the river.
- CRITFC Salmon Marketing has a new Ice Resources page that lists Columbia River businesses that sell ice.
The page is regularly updated with the latest prices.