Airborne Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Upper Grande Ronde River Basin, Oregon
In 2010, the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission contracted with Watershed Sciences, Inc. to provide thermal infrared (TIR) imagery for approximately 226 river miles in the Upper Grande Ronde River Basin, Oregon, including 60 miles of the Grande Ronde River and 31 miles of Catherine Creek covering spring Chinook Salmon spawning, rearing, and migration habitat. The thermal imagery acquisition was an extension of the Upper Grande Ronde LiDAR project flown in September 2009 and a pre-cursor to the stream temperature modeling effort which will occur in 2011. Contact Denise Kelsey for spatial data.
Watershed Sciences, Inc. 2010. Airborne thermal infrared remote sensing upper Grande Ronde River Basin, Oregon. Prepared for Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission. Portland, OR, 80p.