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Basinwide Supplementation Evaluation Project: 2009 Annual Progress Report

Jun 28, 2021


This report reviews activities and results for Year #1 (May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010) of the Basinwide Supplementation Evaluation project (hereafter, the Project), organized under four primary project objectives. 1) A Dual-Frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON) was operated at the Castile Falls Fishway (rkm 103) on the Klickitat River from May through September 2009., 2) The mark-recapture likelihood model (designed to use mark-recapture data of single and double tagged fish, and to incorporate the resulting estimate of tag loss rate into the inference for population abundance) underwent additional modifications., 3) Several different tribal co-managed supplementation programs were considered relative to their need for additional funding of an associated relative reproductive success (RRS) study of natural-origin versus hatchery-origin salmon., and 4) Characteristics of several different tribal salmon reintroduction programs were examined relative to the feasibility of initiating a RRS study of natural-origin versus hatchery-origin salmon.



Galbreath, P.F. 2010. Basinwide supplementation evaluation project: 2009 annual progress report. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 10-15, for U.S. Bonneville Power Administration Project 2009-009-00. Portland, OR. 17p.



Report No.


Media Type

CRITFC Technical Report