Documenting the Existing Individual Stock Based Management (ISBM) Provision of the Chinook Chapter of the Pacific Salmon Treaty: Data, Methods, User Guide and Limitations
A third primary objective was to identify problems with these indices. Initially the identification of problems with the indices was to be part of a second phase report along with proposed recommendations or alternatives designed to address these problems. However, while documenting these indices, several limitations for the use of ISBM indices pre and post-season were identified which are also summarized in this report. Possible alternatives to the use of ISBM indices pre and post-season, with a feasibility analysis of these alternatives, will be investigated in a report next year (2006-2007 cycle).
Sharma, R. 2005. 2004-2005 US Letter of Agreement (LOA) Chinook Draft Report: Documenting the existing Individual Stock Based Management (ISBM) provision of the Chinook chapter of the Pacific Salmon Treaty: data, methods, user guide and limitations. Submitted to: US CTC (Chinook Technical Committee) and D. Cantillon, NMFS. 203p.