Evaluating the Species Selectivity of 8- and 9-Inch Mesh Set Gillnets: A 1988 Test Fishery in the John Day Reservoir of the Columbia River
An experimental gillnet fishery in the John Day Reservoir of the Columbia River was designed to test the effectiveness of 8- and 9-inch mesh gillnets in catching fall Chinook and steelhead. The selectivity of the gear was evaluated by statistically comparing the catch per gillnet by mesh size and the fish sizes (fork length) by mesh size. The results infer that 8-inch mesh gillnets catch more steelhead than 9-inch mesh gillnets.
Lumley, B.P., and H. Schaller. 1988. Evaluating the species selectivity of 8- and 9-Inch mesh set gillnets: a 1988 test fishery in the John Day Reservoir of the Columbia River. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 89-4. Portland, OR. 28p.
Report No.
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CRITFC Technical Report