Present and Future Projected Changes to Human Population and Land Use Affecting Columbia River Tribal Lands and First Foods
Disruptive environmental change is occurring globally from a variety of anthropogenic causes, including climate change, resource extraction and depletion, air and water pollution, human population growth, and the development of natural areas. Climate and land use change are two major components of global environmental change with intersecting causalities and effects. To date, substantial effort has been made in the Columbia River Basin to assess the future effects of climate change on Tribal lands and to conduct climate adaptation planning. Lesser understood are future changes to land use, which will result in part from climate change, but also from demographic shifts and development patterns, and in some cases may amplify climate effects. For this study we sought to understand the future implications for land use on Columbia River tribal lands and first foods. This was accomplished principally by using data from the Integrated Climate and Land Use Scenarios (ICLUS) project of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The ICLUS project was undertaken to produce spatially explicit future projections of demographic and land use change that are linked to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s scenarios.
Graves, D. 2022. Present and future projected changes to human population and land use affecting Columbia River tribal lands and first foods. Climate Change Project Whitepaper. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, June 2022. Online at