Introduction to a Special Section: Genetic Adaptation of Natural Salmonid Populations
The gathering of salmonid geneticists in Boise, Idaho, on June 2–4, 2010, was the most recent Coastwide Salmonid Genetics Meeting, a series now spanning four decades. The presently biannual conference provides an excellent opportunity to present research and exchange information in the exponentially expanding field of salmonid genetics. The value of the meeting is readily apparent to participants, serving to ensure that the tradition of the coastwide meeting will continue into the future. It is worthwhile to note the developments that prompted the initial meetings in the 1980s and resulted in the regular meetings that followed. The time was certainly right, as salmonid genetics research did in fact become “coastwide” during the 1980s, when numerous government agencies and universities in western North America initiated fisheries genetics research programs. This convergence confirmed that the field of applied population genetics for fish had evolved during preceding decades from the potentialities envisioned by a handful of scientists to an endeavor of widely recognized value to fishery managers. Utter termed the 1980s “the decade of application” and described the greatly increased uses of genetic data in fishery management. These applications were in diverse areas, including fish culture, conservation biology, forensics, and an area that led to unanticipated, broad collaboration among salmon geneticists: the management of mixed-stock fisheries.
Teel, D.J., S.R. Narum, J.B. Olsen, and F.M. Utter. 2011. Introduction to a special section: genetic adaptation of natural salmonid populations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140(3):649-664. Online at