Reproducibility in Ecology and Evolution: Minimum Standards for Data and Code
We call for journals to commit to requiring open data be archived in a format that will be simple and clear for readers to understand and use. If applied consistently, these requirements will allow contributors to be acknowledged for their work through citation of open data, and facilitate scientific progress.
Jenkins, G.B., A.P. Beckerman, C. Bellard, A. Benítez-López, A.M. Ellison, C.G. Foote, A.L. Hufton, M.A. Lashley, C.J. Lortie, Z. Ma, A.J. Moore, S.R. Narum, J. Nilsson, B. O’Boyle, D.B. Provete, O. Razgour, L. Rieseberg, C. Riginos, L. Santini, B. Sibbett, and P.R. Peres-Neto. 2023. Reproducibility in ecology and evolution: minimum standards for data and code. Ecology and Evolution 13(5):e9961. Online at