Snake River Water Temperature Control Project Phase II: Methods for Managing and Monitoring Water Temperatures in Relation to Salmon in the Lower Snake River
The second phase of a three-phase study of water temperature control and measurement in support of salmon recovery in the Snake River basin is described. The scientific literature and the available data provide a compelling case that temperature is an abiotic factor that is crucially important to the well being of salmon and steelhead in the federal Columbia River hydroelectric power system that is not being adequately addressed by existing monitoring programs. The Phase II project has three basic tasks that were executed in an iterative fashion; 1) water temperature and adult salmon data acquisition and compilation, 2) analysis of temperature and salmon data, and 3) design of temperature data acquisition in support of salmon recovery.
Karr, M.H., J. K. Fryer, and P.R. Mundy. 1998. Snake River water temperature control project phase II: methods for managing and monitoring water temperatures in relation to salmon in the Lower Snake River. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission. Portland, OR. 226p.