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The Feasibility of Documenting and Estimating Adult Fish Passage at Large Hydroelectric Facilities in the Snake River Using Video Technology: Annual Report 1992

Apr 7, 2020


A field study was conducted at Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River in 1992 to evaluate the feasibility of using time-lapse video technology to document and estimate fish ladder passage of Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Sockeye Salmon 0. nerka, and steelhead 0. mykiss. High quality video images were produced with a time-lapse video system operating in 72 h mode from 1 May through 31 December, 1992 and fish were counted from 1 June through 15 December. From the video record we counted 15 Sockeye Salmon, 3,283 summer Chinook Salmon, 1,022 fall Chinook Salmon, and 125,599 steelhead.



Hatch, D.R., A. Wand, D.R. Pederson, and M. Schwartzberg. 1993. The feasibility of documenting and estimating adult fish passage at large hydroelectric facilities in the Snake River using video technology: annual report 1992. Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR. Project Number 1992-055. 66p.



Report No.


Media Type

CRITFC Technical Report