A Current Review of Epigenetic Effects Associated with Salmonid Supplementation and Domestication
Several studies have demonstrated lower fitness of salmonids born and reared in a hatchery setting compared to those born in nature, yet broad-scale genome-wide genetic differences between hatchery-origin and natural-origin fish have remained largely undetected. Recent research efforts have focused on using epigenetic tools to explore the role of heritable changes outside of genetic variation in response to hatchery rearing. We synthesized the results from salmonid studies that have directly compared methylation differences between hatchery-origin and natural-origin fish.
Other Keywords: heritability
Koch, I., H. Nuetzel, and S. Narum. 2023. A current review of epigenetic effects associated with salmonid supplementation and domestication. Western Division and Idaho Chapter American Fisheries Society Joint Annual Meeting May 8-11, 2023. Boise, ID.