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Supportive Breeding Boosts Population Abundance with Minimal Negative Impacts on Fitness of Natural-origin Chinook Salmon in Johnson Creek – Data Updates

Oct 26, 2022


We investigate relative reproductive success (RRS) of an ongoing supplementation program for Chinook Salmon in Johnson Creek, Idaho. Pedigrees of natural and hatchery-origin fish from five brood years were tracked over two generations with molecular markers. Results suggest that supplementation with 100% local, natural-origin broodstock may be a practice that can successfully boost population size with minimal negative genetic impacts to wild populations. Updates with 2006 and 2007 data to previously presented poster.


Maureen Hess, Craig Rabe, Jason Vogel, Doug Nelson, and Shawn Narum


Hess, M.A., C.D. Rabe, J. Vogel, D.D. Nelson, and S.R. Narum. 2012. Supportive breeding boosts population abundance with minimal negative impacts on fitness of natural-origin Chinook Salmon in Johnson Creek. Future of Our Salmon Annual Conference, October 17-18, 2012. Portland, OR.



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