by Jeremy FiveCrows | Nov 26, 2014 | CRITFC News, The Dipnetter
Recent research from NOAA Fisheries is trying to find out just how many adult salmon are being lost between the mouth of the Columbia River and Bonneville Dam. The number they came up with is quite alarming. The fish loss research, which began in 2010, shows a steady...
by Jeremy FiveCrows | May 2, 2013 | The Dipnetter
Sea lions have been a recurring problem in the Bonneville Pool for the last three years. They have damaged fishing gear and stolen fish from nets. There are an estimated four sea lions in the Bonneville Pool this spring. After the four Columbia River treaty tribes...
by Jeremy FiveCrows | Mar 1, 2012 | The Dipnetter
by Doug Hatch Fisheries Biologist In early March, CRITFC technicians will begin nonlethal hazing of sea lions in the Bonneville Dam tailrace. We will be trying to move the sea lions away from the fish ladder entrances, where salmon are concentrated and most vulnerable...
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