Evaluate Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Kelt Outmigration from Lower Granite Dam to Bonneville Dam and Test the Use of Transportation to Increase Returns of Repeat Spawners
A field study was conducted at Lower Granite Dam, Washington; in the spring of 2002 to identify and enumerate kelt steelhead collected in the juvenile bypass system and evaluate their age-structure, and genetic profiles. We also investigated kelt steelhead migration rates, routes, and survival as well as compared return rates of transported verse in-river migration strategies.
Hatch, D.R., R. Branstetter, and S. Narum. 2003. Evaluate steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) kelt outmigration from Lower Granite Dam to Bonneville Dam and test the use of transportation to increase returns of repeat spawners. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Technical Report 03-7. Portland, OR. 111p.
Report No.
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CRITFC Technical Report